Monday, November 16, 2009

Collector IP

Hey! Here is an IP pass of my new shot. Ive got shot 1 and shot 4 splined, and the performance of the other 3 shots are being refined. I think its in a pretty good spot right now, but I'm really going to have to notch it up this week and get a lot of work done because Im heading down to the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank, CA! If your going maybe Ill see you there!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Heres the blocking of my new shot. Its a more dark and serious shot than my last one, but i really wanted to experiment with this one and test my range. Im learning a ton with it.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Here is a Finaled version of my single character dialogue shot. Ive gotten the ok to move on. Right now Im working on the blocking of a 360 frame two character dialogue shot. Its going to be intense!

Ill post it soon! Also just wanted to send a thanks out to my mentor Chad! You rock man! You've helped me a ton!