Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Finaled Two Char

Hey Everyone! Sorry its been so long since my last post. Ive been very busy. I made it down to the CTN animation expo in Burbank CA and it was a blast! I got to meet with several AM students and it was great getting to know all of them, and I got to hang out with my mentor Chad! Hes a great guy and a ton of help! It was super inspiring to be able to hang out with him and the others.

I also finished Class 5 at AM and am now on a short break before I start my final class at animation mentor! I cant believe its already almost done! Some friends of mine are already getting amazing jobs, so hopefully I wont be too far behind them. haha

Lastly On my break Ive begun another shot so hopefully I will have something new to post soon!

Hope everything is well with everyone who is reading this... if anybody actually is haha!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Collector IP

Hey! Here is an IP pass of my new shot. Ive got shot 1 and shot 4 splined, and the performance of the other 3 shots are being refined. I think its in a pretty good spot right now, but I'm really going to have to notch it up this week and get a lot of work done because Im heading down to the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank, CA! If your going maybe Ill see you there!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Heres the blocking of my new shot. Its a more dark and serious shot than my last one, but i really wanted to experiment with this one and test my range. Im learning a ton with it.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Here is a Finaled version of my single character dialogue shot. Ive gotten the ok to move on. Right now Im working on the blocking of a 360 frame two character dialogue shot. Its going to be intense!

Ill post it soon! Also just wanted to send a thanks out to my mentor Chad! You rock man! You've helped me a ton!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Pass

Here is a final pass at my shot. Im going to do a revision pass with a few great suggestions from my mentor Chad. So far this term has been awesome!!

Oh and today is my mentor, Chad Sellers, first day at Disney!! So congratulations on that man! Thats super exciting, and I cant wait to hear about it at our Q&A this week!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Facial animation refining

Here is a refined pass at my facial animation. Ive also toned down a lot of the motion of the body in the beginning, from a suggestion by my new mentor. Chad is an amazing animator and I am privilaged to be learning under him. I think overall im pretty happy where this shot is at right now. I have one more week to finalize it, then on to a two character shot!

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Pass at Facial Animation!

Hey! Here is my first pass at the facial animation on my shot. This is very exciting for me as this is my first attempt EVER at facial animation. Im happy with it so far, even knowing there is a lot of work to do!

And I just got my new mentor at Animation Mentor and its Chad Sellers!! Im super excited to be in his class and think its going to be great having this guy look at my work and help me out. Hes also starting at Disney this month so i get to see how is first weeks at Disney go!

Im being mentored by a Disney animator!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Robot Stewie

Hey! I am on break from AM right now and I decided that this is a perfect time to experiment with a new shot. In this shot I am experimenting with two characters, constraints between the two, and FK arms (so far Ive gotten pretty comfortable with IK). And so far I am loving it!! This shot is a ton of fun and I feel like Im learning a lot. And its all action body mechanics which i wanted more practice in anyway. Hope you like it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I See You final body pass

Here is my final body pass for this shot. Im still going to try and polish it up a bit during this short break. Then Im going to start AM class 5 Advanced Acting and I will get to add all of the facial acting to this shot (brows, eyes, lipsync). Whoohoo!! Should be fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

IP pass with new clothes

Heres another in progress pass, I made some changes according to my mentor. Still much to do, I have to go through the entire piece and loosen and soften everything up, and track all arcs. But I also added a new little costume to Bishop. Its his creepy stalker shirt.

Couple weeks left!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

IP pass on I See You

Here is an IP pass at my dialogue shot. Still much to do on it, but Im having a ton of fun with this! Hope you like it!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I See You

As promised here is the blocking of my first dialogue shot! Its so fun! And the AM character is super fun to play with. You really can get all kinds of emotion out of him, And i dont even have the full facial rig yet. But here it is, I hope you enjoy it. Ill keep posting IP passes!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mr Police Officer

So here is a "finaled" version of my Pantomime Cop. Im not sold on the fact that its done. If I find any free time, Im going to try and go back and fix a few things. Catching of the gun mainly. But I have moved onto my first dialogue shot with the AM character Bishop. So far its super fun! Ill be uploading a blocking pass soon!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pantomime Shot Blocking

In class 4 now and the first assignment is to do a pantomime shot that takes a character from one emotion to a contrasting emotion in a matter of about 10 seconds. My idea is the cocky police officer who's not as tough as he thinks he is. This is my final blocking, I think Im about ready to get into splining! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Animation Mentor Class 3 Work

Hey everyone!

This is my three-part shot that I completed at AnimationMentor during class 3. The theme is Stewie the construction worker and what a bad day he is having. I tried rendering it out, but im not the best renderer ;) but my focus is on the animation anyway. Hope you enjoy!